Co-op resources
Useful resources for running a co-op
- A proposed agenda for your co-op founding meeting.
- A template shopping list (copy and paste into a new spreadsheet to edit your own or just print the page).
- A template members weekly pay spreadsheet (copy and paste into a new spreadsheet to edit your own).
- A template of co-op weekly rota (copy and paste into a new spreadsheet to edit your own).
- A template co-op shopping calculator (copy and paste into a new spreadsheet to edit your own).
Make sure you read the instructions on the right before starting. Select your group size and then and enter your items only in the white cells – the yellow cells will automatically update with your calculation (created by Cooperation Alexandra Rd & Ainsworth members). - A letter asking local shops for support (drafted by Cooperation Boundery Hall members).
- An example of a Felix Project / FareShare delivery note (surplus food).
Note: this delivery was for our Gospel Oak hub, which serves multiple co-ops. Single co-ops receive fewer crates, but you can see the range of items you can expect from the Felix Project (in London) or FareShare (anywhere else in England). - An example of wholesale fruit & veg list (for north and east London co-ops). This list changes every week, so please use for reference only.
- If your co-op is not using cash, we recommend using Open Collective to collect membership fees and pay expenses, instead of a personal bank account. Here are some FAQ about how to use the platform. Our Open Collective ‘fiscal host’ (the organisation holding our funds) is the Social Change Nest. You can apply to them here.
- Co-op Expenses Policy – you will need this for an Open Collective account (adapt to your group as required).
Resources to help organise as a group
- An example of a co-op constitution (shared by Cooperation Tottenham). Your co-op doesn’t need to have one, but it might be useful to see how other co-ops organise.
- An example of a co-op induction pack (shared by Cooperation Walthamstow). Your co-op can adapt this to describe how you organise.
Resources to promote your co-op
- Cooperation Town general poster / leaflet (can be printed as A3, A4 or A5. Ask us for an editable file).
- Cooperation Town general poster with space to add your event (can be printed as A3, A4 or A5) and instructions for adding text.
- Cooperation Town logo for use on flyers, posters and other promo materials. Let us know if you need a black or white version or another format. If you are using colour, please only use the linked version (no other colours, please).
A google folder containing all the above resources

Group dynamics
Conflict, boredom and disorganisation can cause tensions in any group. Left unaddressed, they can lead to members leaving and the group collapsing.
We collated here a few resources to help your co-op avoid these challenges, as well as suggestions for how to keep your group engaged in the long term, ensure workload is shared and that tricky group dynamics are dealt with.
Seeds for Change have lots of useful information here.
Consent decision making
In addition to the information in the pack, here are a few videos about Consent Decision Making and a flow chart that explains a bit more about the process:

Great meetings
Here are a couple of resources about how to run effective and engaging meetings: