Co-op resources

Useful resources for running a co-op

Resources to help organise as a group

  • An example of a co-op constitution (shared by Cooperation Tottenham). Your co-op doesn’t need to have one, but it might be useful to see how other co-ops organise.
  • An example of a co-op induction pack (shared by Cooperation Walthamstow). Your co-op can adapt this to describe how you organise.

Resources to promote your co-op

A google folder containing all the above resources

Group dynamics

Conflict, boredom and disorganisation can cause tensions in any group. Left unaddressed, they can lead to members leaving and the group collapsing.

We collated here a few resources to help your co-op avoid these challenges, as well as suggestions for how to keep your group engaged in the long term, ensure workload is shared and that tricky group dynamics are dealt with.

Seeds for Change have lots of useful information here.

Consent decision making

In addition to the information in the pack, here are a few videos about Consent Decision Making and a flow chart that explains a bit more about the process: 

Great meetings

Here are a couple of resources about how to run effective and engaging meetings: